Status codes

Status Code Status Message Notes
0 Success
10001 The Zoom client encountered an error while processing the request. A general error type
10002 Validation error, please check API parameters. Like wrong format in parameters of js request
10003 Configuration was denied, please check that the application has the Zoom App SDK feature enabled.[Error from web: xxxx]
10004 Authorization not found, please call zoomSdk.config to authorize the use of APIs before calling them.
10005 NoAuthorization expired or invalid, please call zoomSdk.config to renew.[Error from web: xxxx]
10006 The Zoom client failed to send a request to the server.
10007 API can only be called when the Zoom app is running in a meeting. Some Jssdks only can access on meeting
10008 API does not exist.
10009 API hasn't passed marketplace verification.[Error from web: xxxx]
10010 Failed to determine download path for virtual image. Occur when fail to get the default download path for virtual background or foreground
10011 Failed to download virtual background. Occur when fail to download the resource by file server
10012 Failed to set or remove the virtual background. Occur when fail to update the virtual background images
10013 Request to get supported APIs list failed.[Error from web: xxxx] for API: getSupportedJsApis
10014 Downloading the background has been timeout, maybe the resource of the background is too large! for API: setVirtualBackground, download virtual background file
10015 Request to open URL failed, please make sure the domain has been whitelisted by the Zoom App.[Error from web: xxxx] for API: openUrl
10016 Maximum concurrent API calls has been reached. Currently the max un-finished JS call in client side is 1000, if exceeded, the client will return this error for next API call.
10017 This API call has been denied by user.
10018 Failed to share the app. for API: shareApp
10019 No such camera set a non-exist camera
10020 Video is not turned on.
10021 You do not have privilege to start cloud recording. for API: cloudRecording
10022 Invalid cloud recording action. for API: cloudRecording
10023 Screen share is disabled in this meeting. for API: shareApp
10024 Screen share has started in this meeting. for API: shareApp
10025 Screen share did not start in this meeting. for API: shareApp
10026 Failed to send the app invitation. for API: sendAppInvitation
10027 You do not have privilege to send app invitation! for API: sendAppInvitation
10028 A maximum of 10 individual invites can be sent at a time. Consider sending to everyone instead! for API: sendAppInvitation
10029 Can not Support this type of file for virtual background, please have a check. for API: setVirtualBackground
10030 Your device does not support setting virtual backgrounds. for API: setVirtualBackground
10031 Virtual backgrounds setting is not enabled in your web settings. for API: setVirtualBackground
10032 Can't set virtual background in current immersive scene. for API: setVirtualBackground
10033 The API request has exceeded the client rate limit, please wait a moment. for /zoomapp/v1/jssdk/check api
10034 The API cannot be executed as it is not listed in config() for /zoomapp/v1/jssdk/check api
10035 The API request has exceeded the server rate limit, please wait a moment. for /zoomapp/v1/jssdk/check api
10036 The current download url is not in the App's white domain list for API: setVirtualBackground
10037 Failed to open/close an app for API: openApp (only valid for launch app)
10038 Failed to post message to connect app. for API: postMessage
10039 Failed to connect with the app in main client. for API: connect
10040 Local recording is in progress for API: cloudRecording
10041 Failed to do this action because app instances aren’t connected. for API:postMessage, endSyncData
10042 Not allowed to show notification for do-not-disturb-mode. for API: showNotification
10043 Current webview url is not a valid url.
10044 Failed to decode the virtual image data. for API: setVirtualBackground, setVirtualForeground
10045 No smart virtual backgrounds package, you need to download it. for API: setVirtualBackground
10046 "The Screenshot file is over max size." for API: screenShot (only for lobby app)
10047 "No Permission for this API. [code: xxx, reason: xxxx]" when API is not permitted for use
10048 Failed to allow participant to record for API: allowParticipantToRecord
10049 You haven't access the participant information. for API: sendAppInvitation
10050 The participant already has permission to do local recording. for API: allowParticipantToRecord
10051 Invalid user or can’t perform action on this user. for API: allowParticipantToRecord
10052 The participant doesn’t have the permission to do local recording. There’s no need to revoke. for API: allowParticipantToRecord
10053 This API can only be used after meeting ends. for API: endSyncData
10054 This API can only be used in the main client. for API: launchAppInMeeting
10055 Local record feature is disabled, please check your web settings. for API: allowParticipantToRecord
10056 Can't set virtual background because the video is merged by the share resource. for API: setVirtualBackground
10057 Can't remove virtual background because your admin requires users to always use virtual background. for API: setVirtualBackground
10058 Launch app in meeting failed. for API: launchAppInMeeting
10059 The client is sharing screen or other apps. for API: shareApp
10060 This action has been canceled by the user. (when user choose cancel on consent dialog) for APIs that pop up consent dialog
10061 Only the host can perform this action. for API: allowParticipantToRecord
10062 The app needs to call render Js-api first. for API:Layer api
10063 The app already render. for API:Layer api
10064 This action has been flushed by the subsequent action when downloading smart virtual background package. for API: setVirtualBackground
10065 No Breakout Room exist. for BO api
10066 JS-APIs about bo is disable. for BO api
10067 Have no privilege to handle JS-APIs. for BO api
10068 Failed to set or remove the image. for API: setVirtualForeground
10069 Zoom Virtual Foreground APIs are unavailable for API:Layer api
10070 Zoom LAYERS APIs V1 are unavailable for API:Layer api
10071 Fail to get paring status for API: getPairingStatus
10072 Fail to join zoom room for API: joinZoomRoom
10073 Fail to toggle my audio for API: getUserMediaAudio
10074 Fail to toggle my video for API: setUserMediaVideo
10075 The participant ID is error, please get the newest participant ID. for API: assignParticipantToBreakoutRoom
10076 Fail to detect camera for API: setUserMediaVideo
10077 Fail to choose audio conference options for API: getUserMediaAudio
10078 Participant is not in Breakout Room. for API: assignParticipantToBreakoutRoom
10079 Video is already open for API: setUserMediaVideo
10080 Video is already close for API: setUserMediaVideo
10081 Audio is already unmute for API: getUserMediaAudio
10082 Audio is already mute for API: getUserMediaAudio
10083 Joining or leaving breakout room, can not call breakout room api for API:bo api
10084 The app is in collaborate mode. for API:collaborate
10085 The app isn't in collaborate mode. for API:collaborate
10086 you are already in collaborate mode. for API:collaborate
10087 you aren‘t in collaborate mode. for API:collaborate
10088 You can only end collaboration. for API:collaborate
10089 This app cannot support collaborate mode. for API:collaborate
10090 Collaboration isn't supported in webinar and breakout meeting. for API:collaborate
10091 Can not edit the Breakout Room. for API: bo
10092 Breakout Rooms are not open. for API: bo
10093 The id of the Breakout room is incorrect. for API: bo
10094 The id of the user is incorrect. for API: bo
10095 The count is over the max count. for API: bo
10096 The assignment type is incorrect. for API: bo
10097 Create Breakout Room failed. for API: bo
10098 Update Breakout Room failed. for API: bo
10099 Config Breakout Room failed. for API: bo
10100 Start Breakout Rooms failed. for API: bo
10101 End Breakout Rooms failed. for API: bo
10102 Delete Breakout Room failed. for API: bo
10103 Assign user to Breakout Room failed. for API: bo
10104 Change Breakout Room failed. for API: bo
10105 Fail to mute or unmute all participants. for API: toggleParticipantMediaAudio
10106 Fail to mute or unmute specific participants. for API: toggleParticipantMediaAudio
10107 A maximum of 10 participants can be muted or unmuted at a time. Consider mute/unmute all instead! for API: toggleParticipantMediaAudio
10108 Self participant is not allowed to include. Consider setAudioState instead! for API: toggleParticipantMediaAudio
10109 This participant didn't join audio. for API: toggleParticipantMediaAudio
10110 Speaker view is not available during screen sharing. Use standardView, sidebysideSpeakerView, or sidebysideGalleryView instead. for API: setMeetingView
10111 Gallery view is not available during screen sharing. Use standardView, sidebysideSpeakerView, or sidebysideGalleryView instead. for API: setMeetingView
10112 Standard view is only available during screen sharing. for API: setMeetingView
10113 Gallery view is not available during screen sharing. Use speakerView or galleryView instead when not screen sharing. for API: setMeetingView
10114 Gallery view is not available during screen sharing. Use speakerView or galleryView instead when not screen sharing for API: setMeetingView
10115 This view is currently unsupported. for API: setMeetingView
10116 This running context is currently unsupported. for API: setMeetingView
10117 Already in this view for API: setMeetingView
10118 Failed to get app context for API: getAppContext
10119 A maximum of 10 participants' speakers can be locally turned on/off at a time. Consider it for all participants instead! for API: setIncomingParticipantAudioStatus
10120 Failed to set incoming speaker audio for participants. for API: setIncomingParticipantAudioStatus
10121 Breakout Rooms are already open. for API: OpenBreakoutRooms
10122 Bo count and the name size do not match. for API: createBreakoutRoom
10123 User not permitted to pin multiple participants for API: addParticipantPins
10124 Multi-pinning is not allowed on second screen for API: addParticipantPins
10125 Unable to show usernames on videos for API: showUsernames
10126 Already in HD video state for API: setHDVideo
10127 Can not process the request. The feedback feature is disabled. for API: setFeedbackReaction
10128 Can not process the request. The feedback is not supported in a webinar. for API: setFeedbackReaction
10129 Computer audio share is disabled in this meeting. for API: shareComputerAudio
10130 Computer audio share did not start in this meeting. for API: shareComputerAudio
10131 Failed to share computer audio. for API: shareComputerAudio
10132 Computer audio share is already started. for API: shareComputerAudio
10133 Unable to remove webinar attendees. for API: removeWebinarAttendees
10134 Unable to allow attendee(s) to speak. for API: allowAttendeesToSpeak
10135 Unable to disallow attendee(s) to speak. for API: disallowAttendeesToSpeak
10136 API can only be called when the Zoom app is running in a webinar. for Webinar-only APIs
10137 API call succeeded, the user must choose to stop ongoing share to begin share. for shareApp and shareComputerAudio
10138 API fail, not supported in immersive for takeMyPhoto, takeParticipantPhoto
10139 Invalid meeting page number. for API: setGalleryPage
10141 Meeting View must be in gallery view. for API: setGalleryPage, getGalleryPage
10142 User count is oversize. for API: takeParticipantPhoto
10143 Failed to prompt share screen. for API: promptShareScreen
10150 Meeting not ready, can’t call this api. for API:setVirtualBackground
10151 Zoom App is disabled in Meeting. for API:setVirtualBackground
10153 Cannot process the request. The meeting reactions feature is disabled. for API: setEmojiReaction, getEmojiConfiguration
10154 Cannot process the request. The webinar reactions feature is disabled. for API: setEmojiReaction, getEmojiConfiguration
10155 Cannot process the request - invalid reaction. for API: setEmojiReaction
10156 Emoji, unicode, or name fields are not matching. Please use only one of these fields or make sure they are matched. for API: setEmojiReaction
10163 Can’t invite participants for API: showMeetingInvitationDialog
10186 Only host and co-host can share screen to breakout rooms for API:promptShareScreen
10187 Breakout rooms are not open for API:promptShareScreen
10189 There is no ongoing screen share by this user. for API: stopShareScreen
10190 Collaboration in progress. for API: stopShareScreen
10191 Broadcast voice to breakout rooms failed for API: Broadcast Voice to BO Rooms
10192 Stop broadcast voice to breakout rooms failed for API: Broadcast Voice to BO Rooms
10193 muted, can’t broadcast voice to breakout rooms for API: Broadcast Voice to BO Rooms
10194 broadcasting voice stopped for API: Broadcast Voice to BO Rooms
10195 No video filter exists. for API: deleteVideoFilter
10196 Failed to set or remove video filter. for API: setVideoFilter and deleteVideoFilter
10197 No video filter package, you need to download it. for API: setVideoFilter
10198 Video filter feature is disabled. for API: setVideoFilter and deleteVideoFilter
10199 Video filter saved to Settings, but could not be applied. for API: setVideoFilter
10200 Can’t operate in Breakout Rooms. for API: Broadcast Voice to BO Rooms
10201 Broadcast disabled by settting. for API: Broadcast Voice to BO Rooms
10202 Only host can enable followHostsVideoOrder for API: setMeetingView
10203 Video order is available only in gallery view for API: getVideoOrderList
10207 User leave meeting Failed. for API: leaveMeeting, joinMeeting
10208 User join meeting Failed. for API: joinMeeting
10209 Specified newHost participantUUID ignored because it is not applicable when the user is not in a meeting or a host. for API: leaveMeeting, joinMeeting
10210 JoinUrl is invalid. for API: joinMeeting
10211 Spotlight feature is not available in this room for API: addParticipantSpotlight
10212 Spotlighted user doesn’t have video for API: addParticipantSpotlight
10213 Participants are not allowed to enable video by meeting security settings for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10214 Webinar attendee cannot enable video for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10215 Fail to turn off video for participants for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10216 Fail to turn on video for participants for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10217 A maximum of 10 participants' video can be started or stopped at a time for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10218 Method doesn’t support current user as a parameter for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10219 Cannot detect participant’s camera for API: toggleParticipantMediaVideo
10230 Too many users spotlighted (maximum: 9) for API: addParticipantSpotlight
10231 Spotlight feature is not available when number of panelists is less than 3 for API: addParticipantSpotlight
10232 Webinar attendees cannot be spotlighted for API: addParticipantSpotlight
10137 API call succeeded, the user must choose to stop ongoing share to begin share. for API: promptShareScreen
10138 API fail, not supported in immersive for API: takeMyPhoto, takeParticipantPhoto
10139 Invalid meeting page number. view. for API: setGalleryPage
10141 Meeting View must be in gallery view. for API: setGalleryPage, getGalleryPage
10142 User count is oversize. for API: takeParticipantPhoto
10189 There is no ongoing screen share by this user for API: stopShareScreen
10190 Collaboration in progress for API: stopShareScreen

If the JavaScript API calls back to the Zoom App with an error, that error will be rejected by the promise. The SDK wraps the error in a custom class, ZoomApiError, which includes a message property and a code property from the above table.


  • Error
    • ZoomApiError



code: string
requestId: string

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